Quiz: What Do Your Fingers Reveal About Your Personality?

Check out the quiz below to learn what your fingers reveal about you.

Origin of finger reading. Finger reading is an important aspect of palmistry, more popularly known as palm reading. Palm reading is a practice that’s been around for ages. Various cultures from all over the world have been practicing it for centuries. Sometime during Middle Ages, the Catholic Church suppressed and considered it as a pagan practice.

Concept of finger reading. While the concept of finger reading has evolved from palmistry, it is now scientifically backed up. Numerous studies have proven that the lengths of the various fingers correlate to certain personality traits. This could pretty much be the reason why finger reading unlocks your true personality. A deeper look into the lengths of the fingers can also determine various conditions such as ADHD.

Each finger has its own meaning. Your five fingers represent specific personality traits. Your thumb represents your drive to succeed. Your index finger represents the level of authority, power, and influence you exude. Your middle finger represents wisdom, accountability, growth, efficiency, and growth.  One the other hand, your ring finger represents your creativity. Lastly, your pinkie finger represents your style of communication.

Fingers determines the strength of your personality. Your fingers can determine which personality traits are strong and dominant. For example, if your index finger is straight and tall, as compared to your other fingers, your leadership traits are pretty strong as well.

Even the shape of your fingertips reveals your personality. The shape of your fingers can also reveal a lot about your personality. For example, round fingertips reveal that you like harmony. Flat or square fingertips show that you’re a very direct-to-the-point person. You’re don’t like vagueness. Lastly, broad and flared fingernails show that you’re the kind of person who gets bored with routines. There’s a lot to learn about yourself through your fingers.


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